PCF was contacted by the Land Health Institute to assist with an outdoor classroom area and painting of the annex building at Emlen elementary.

PCF has a long history with Emlen and LHI so we were thrilled to assist. On a very hot and steamy day in August, PCF’s Jan Deruiter brought a car full of tools for volunteers, chainsaw, painting supplies, etc. and spent three days volunteering with various volunteers under the guidance of LHI.

LHI came up with a plan to convert the space underneath a large shade tree in the school yard into an outdoor space where students can play or be seated and learn about nature, water management and more.

LHI managed to get a lot of companies and organizations to help with their project. A company name The Maintenance Connection provided much of the funding and volunteers, a construction company helped get rid of a large area of asphalt, Philadelphia’s P&R dept provided the chips and hickory stumps and logs, and PCF spent three days helping out.