Today, the PCF Western Suburbs Chapter team of Srikar and Ashwin installed their second Community Center at Better Tomorrows, a national organization that empowers communities around the country, including Coatesville, PA.
The organization’s social coordinator, Ms. Crystal Lowery, contacted PCF requesting a donation of ten computers along with a printer for their Center. Ashwin and Srikar successfully completed the setup by refurbishing, imaging, and installing four desktops, six laptops, and a printer.
In the application, Ms. Lowery said “Our Community Center is located in a low-income housing development. We serve about 100 underserved at-risk youth from our community. The families we serve have little to no resources to connect to the internet; they simply cannot afford the cost. At the Center, we offer WI-FI but residents lack the devices to utilize it; thus the need for community accessible computers.”
“The computers will be used Monday through Friday by students for homework assistance in our after-school programs and during our summer enrichment program. Adult residents will use them for employment searches and to connect with critical community resources.”
PCF’s Ashwin and Srikar were happy to support Ms. Crystal in her cause and hope the computers make a difference in the community they serve.