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Step 1 – Placing the equipment

Decide where you want your computer to go

  • Make sure you have a working Internet connection nearby (in wall or router)
  • Make sure power is nearby
  • Set up a table/s for the computer/s

Decide how to make do with the room you have

  • Do not connect any wires until you are sure where your equipment will go
  • Start by putting the keyboard/s and mice on the table where you want them to go
  • Place the monitor/s on the table where you want them to go

Find room for the computer CPU’s/Desktops

  • underneath the display (facing forward or sideways)?
  • standing on its side next to (or behind the computer)?
  • stacked on top of other computers?
  • on the floor ? (only if you have to)

Step 2 – Connecting the monitor

  • Push power plug ALL THE WAY into the display. Push hard !
  • Connect VGA cable (usually blue) to the display. Fasten screws.
  • Connect VGA to BLUE port on back of the computer. Fasten screws.

Step 3 – Connecting power, keyboard, mouse

  • Push power plug ALL THE WAY into the computer. Push hard !
  • Plug in USB mouse and keyboard/s
  • Push power cables ALL THE WAY into the power strip. Push hard !

Step 4 – Audio

  • Plug your headphones into the GREEN port on the front or back of your computer
    (green is for headphones, blue and pink are for microphones)
  • If you have external speakers or monitor with built in sound, connect the audio plug into a GREEN port in your computer. Speakers and some sound bars will need separate power too.

Step 5 – Internet/Ethernet

If your room has more computers than you have (working) internet ethernet plugs in your wall plate (or router) then you will need a “switch”. Switches are like power strips: connect one port to the internet and then everything else you plug into the switch has access too.

  • Connect Ethernet switch power into outlet (usually one LED light comes on)
  • Find a long enough ethernet cable to connect to the wall and switch (any port). Check and make sure an LED light comes on (on the switch) next to the cable you just plugged in. If not, then your internet (wall) may not be working!
  • Plug in Ethernet cables from computers into the switch.

Step 6 – Test

Once everything is connected, plugged in and powered on, you need to test:

  • Power on the display first
  • Power on the computer second
  • Log into your account (student or admin)
  • Start the web browser
  • Test to make sure internet is working
  • Go to a website with sound and make sure sound is working


(links coming soon)

  • Machine is not turning on
  • Internet is not working
  • Sound is not working
  • No room for the desktop computer

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